Adam Yokum Links With mike. On His Captivating New Single “Gretzky”

By: Chris Buxton IG/Twitter: @chrisbuxtonllg

When it comes to music, sometimes an artist’s best songs are the ones that are stored on a hard drive. For rising West Virginia-based singer-songwriter, Adam Yokum, that seems to be the case for his latest hit “Gretzky” featuring mike.

For those that are new to the burgeoning star, Yokum comes from humble beginnings in Whitmer, WV. Known for his acoustic pop sound with country undertones, he has crafted singles that pull at listeners heartstrings. Yokum is an Appalachian tinged Post Malone. His songs often tell stories of personal growth, self-reflection, and growing up. His ability to connect with listeners in a raw & authentic way makes him one of the most polarizing artists in the industry. After impressing me with his singles “evergreen” & “20 Something”, he returns to our pages with his mike. assisted single “Gretzky”.

“Gretzky” is an exceptional record that is laced with lush melodies, warm sonics, and a hook that’ll have you singing along at the top of your lungs. It’s the perfect song to listen to sitting around a campfire with your best friends.

The path to creating the record is an even better story. “Gretzky” is a record that Yokum made earlier this year. After teasing it on social media, a mutual friend reached out to mike., and he agreed to jump on the second verse. The song is proof of how powerful the internet is. When you listen to the single, you can tell the chemistry between both artists. Yokum’s vibrato and overall tone is perfect. For me, mike. was the cherry on top. So, if you need a new song to soundtrack your Fall and Winter nights, hit stream on the record below!


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